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How's winter in Alaska, you ask?  I don't know.  I imagine it is cold and wet.  Kelli and I left Alaska at the end of August.  Here's how it went. The Alaska flying job was a seasonal job with the opportunity to stay year-round.  I was officially offered a year round position sometime in July but  […]

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Leisurely Day VLOG

We are only three weeks from heading back to Utah.  Kelli leaves August 29th and I leave August 31st.  Here is a little video for you of what we are up to on this fine Saturday.  Tomorrow we are both picking up shifts for other people so we are only out for a little bit today.   Joshua

New Arrival

Look who showed up... Kelli made it up here after us being apart just over two months.  She flew in Tuesday June 4th at 9:45 after a little delay in Ketchican.  I picked her up at the airport and she met Northern Light for the first time about 10:00.  I took the next day off work so I could show her  […]

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Settling In

My early 20s (and mid-20s) was filled with lots of moving.  I moved from home to Arizona for college at 18, back home, then into a farm house where I worked, into a single-wide mobile home next to my parents, off to my sister's in Truth or Consequences, NM, then to Leadivlle, Colorado at 24, Avon,  […]

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North - Part IV

Day three I awoke early, made breakfast and coffee, and took a look at the manual for the autopilot.  There was a magnetometer calibration procedure I wanted to try.  The magnetometer is the electronic compass the autopilot steers by.  I looked through all the settings in the autopilot, fiddled with  […]

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North - Part III

I woke up to a nice morning still anchored where I dropped the hook by Whitney Island sometime near 6:30.  Being new to everything still, I wasn’t sure how good of a spot I picked but it seemed to be good enough as I hadn’t drifted at all.  The standard anchoring protocol is to put out seven times  […]

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North - Part II

My flight from Seattle to Petersburg on Alaska Airlines is referred to as the "Milk Run."  It makes multiple stops along the way at small airports and several places you just stay on the airplane rather than getting off.  We stopped in Ketchikan and Wrangell before stopping in Petersburg  […]

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Big changes.  I'm sitting in a little cafe a six-minute walk from the harbor I'm living in.  My laundry is tumbling next door in the local laundromat.  My location is Juneau, Alaska.  How did I end up here? So, I've been thinking about a change in jobs for a while and applied for a medevac job close  […]

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Winter Is Here

Winter_Cabin_Back_s.JPG, Dec 2019

We woke up to 8 inches(ish) of snow on the ground the Tuesday morning before Thanksgiving. The wind blew hard and there was snow suck in the corners of the windows on the outside. It looked kind of dreamy, like an old painting of Christmas. I love getting snow. It messes up our road, make it extra  […]

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Smiley Creek UBCP Fly-in 2019 Days 3 and 4

I forgot to mention that I had to get fuel July 5th (the night of day 2). I wanted to do more flying and I didn't have fuel access in Smiley Creek so I decided to take an evening flight to Challis (KLLJ). The weather was decent and I left with enough time to get back to Smiley Creek before dark. I  […]

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Smiley Creek UBCP Fly-in 2019 Days 1 and 2

July 4th weekend the Utah Backcountry Pilots Association hosted a fly-in at Smiley Creek airstrip in Idaho (U87). I had the lucky chance to break from my normal schedule and get up there and join the fun. I had not yet taken my airplane to a fly-in so this was the maiden fly-in voyage for me and the 120.


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